Ampex Brands Cruelty
What is AMPEX Brands hiding from its customers?
AMPEX Brands is a restaurant franchisee of Taco Bell, KFC, and other companies. AMPEX Brands also owns Au Bon Pain.
Au Bon Pain committed to going 100% cage-free in the US ten years ago. This was a time when Au Bon Pain leadership publicly demonstrated transparency and accountability; Au Bon Pain's press release stated that "25% of ABP’s egg sandwich purchases" were cage-free.
But then, Au Bon Pain's self-imposed 2017 deadline passed without any progress reported against its policy.
In the wake of this failed promise, Au Bon Pain created a new global 100% cage-free policy. But it still has not reported any progress. What's more disturbing is that its 25% cage-free report is nowhere to be found on the Au Bon Pain website. Have Au Bon Pain's cage-free menu items dropped to a lower percentage?
Join us in telling AMPEX Brands to stop supporting animal cruelty, and start reporting cage-free progress for Au Bon Pain globally!